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Land at Finches Farm, Five Oak Green

Changes To The Proposals

The following changes have been made to the scheme since the public consultation in November 2023:


Reduction in overall number of homes from 140 to 130

The maximum number of homes envisaged for the site has been reduced, from 140 at the time of the public consultation down to 130.  The size of the development parcel in the north-western part of the site has been reduced to enable the re-introduction of an east-west hedgerow crossing the site (historic maps indicate that there was once a number of hedgerows crossing the site in this direction).  The re-introduced hedgerow now denotes the northernmost limit of the development area, with the land beyond it to the north set aside for public open space, sustainable drainage features and additional new planting.


Increase in the percentage of affordable homes from 40% to 50%

The amount of affordable housing proposed in the development has been increased from 40% of 140 homes (56 units) to 50% of 130 homes (65 units).


Changes to proposed highway measures along Five Oak Green Road

A number of changes have been made to the proposed highway measures along Five Oak Green Road, responding to feedback from residents as well as officers at Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and Kent County Council:


  • The public consultation material showed vehicle access to the development being provided from two new priority junctions on Five Oak Green Road.  While this remains the case in the submitted proposals, the location of the priority junction for the western development parcel has been re-located to the west, further away from the proposed junction for the eastern development parcel.


  • The public consultation material showed the proposed use of kerb build-outs to encourage a reduction in traffic speeds along Five Oak Green Road.  Following further engagement with Kent County Council, kerb build-outs are no longer proposed.


  • The public consultation material showed two proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossings of Five Oak Green Road, one in front of Capel Primary School and another further to the east between the two access junctions, both with kerb build-outs.  Following further engagement with Kent County Council, only one uncontrolled pedestrian crossing is now proposed – in front of Capel Primary School – and this will not have kerb build-outs.  The other proposed uncontrolled pedestrian crossing has been removed and replaced by a proposed puffin crossing (i.e. with traffic lights) to the east of Sychem Lane.


  • The public consultation material showed that the existing eastbound bus stop for Capel Primary School would remain to the west of the school.  It is now proposed to re-locate the eastbound bus stop to the east of the school, to further encourage eastbound traffic to slow down on the approach to the school.


  • The public consultation showed no changes to Church Lane, where informal parking currently takes place for parents / guardians dropping off and picking up children at Capel Primary School.  It is now proposed to have formalised car parking for up to 12 vehicles on Church Lane for school drop-off / pick-up.  This parking could also be used by people parking on the lane for recreational activities in the surrounding area.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262 925 or at adam@spbroadway.com