Land at Finches Farm, Five Oak Green
Traffic Calming Along Five Oak Green Road
The land at Finches Farm is situated between Capel Primary School and the rest of the village, and therefore its development provides a unique opportunity to deliver safety improvements for those travelling between the school and the village on foot or by bicycle.
Currently, pedestrians utilise a long, narrow pavement adjacent to Five Oak Green Road to access the school from the village, which presents a dangerous route given the proximity to cars and other vehicles using the road. As part of our proposals, we are proposing a dedicated off-road pedestrian and cycle route through the site from east to west, three metres in width, thereby creating a direct link between the school and the village.
Other improvements are also proposed along Five Oak Green Road to discourage speeding and make this section of road safer and more pleasant for pedestrians. The following plans show the location of proposed highway improvements between the primary school and the village:
Highway measures proposed along the western stretch of Five Oak Green Road and Church Lane
Highway measures proposed along the eastern stretch of Five Oak Green Road
Contact Us
If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262 925 or at